Wir sind so Glücklich

Wir sind so Glücklich

A performance about melancholy in Australian culture- a emotional state which is often masked by a kind of hysteric optimism in mainstream Australian culture. Set in Cafe le Bon Choix in the affluent area of Mosmann in Sydney in the 1980’s, the performance dealt with Ken Done, nouveau Euro Australian cuisine (a Croissant Burger) and “I Should be so Lucky” by Kylie Minogue. Based on an anonymous friend’s mother, a renowned socialite, who would take over the counter cold and flu tablets (which contain amphetamine) and drink a bottle of champagne in order to conceal her melancholy.

For the Finissage of “Lost and perhaps even possibly Found”
Crystal Ball Gallery, Berlin
16th November, 2012

Photos by Miguel Lopes and Yuji