
Copy of a Little Black Book

Copy of a Little Black Book Photocopied Drawings and Text as part of Bedfellows: Sex Re-Education, Clubhouse Tate Modern London 20-23/10/16 The book is part of The Raquel Project which I began in 2010 and is based on autobiographic erotic drawings and text from 2009. The Raquel Project comments on the power structures of the art industry and the complexities of being a female artist dealing with sexuality in her work.

Dinner and a Show

Dinner and a Show Performance and Installation @ Joint Venture #2, Berlin Art Weekend curated by Lea Schleiffenbaum and JL Murtagh 5 Meals 5 Songs 5 Drawings A Show questioning authenticity and inauthenticity. Kirsty Kross wore an apron crafted from recycled imitation timber. https://jntvntr.com/projects/.

It’s all Fucked Right….No

It’s all Fucked Right….No A series of drawings from the Installation “Yin Yang” which were placed in the installation “Yin Yang” at Gallery Crystal Ball in April 2011.